[Archaic marriage makes way for modern Domestic Partnership]

<b>Archaic marriage makes way for modern Domestic Partnership</b> Its sad...the "Traditional Marriage" proponents have just put the FIRST nail in the coffin of "Marriage" as an institution! ALL that's needed to do is make "Domestic Partnerships" MORE desirable and an available option for EVERYONE, and watch Marriage continue to decline and loose it's foothold to Domestic Partnerships! Its already cheaper to be Domestic Partners, since you can still file separately. Let's encourage our representatives to increase the desirability of Domestic Partnership; increasing benefits, continuing tax breaks, adoption support, and easier, friendlier divorce. ALL couples should come to see Domestic Partnerships as the preferred, positive, unbiased option to protect and celebrate their relationship! THAT would teach "them" -- they can have their outdated religious sacrament -- Americans who believe in Love and Equality can now do our relationships in a new, better way!

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